By Javier Manjarres

What’s most telling about this report is what U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) told Fox News about the use of “stolen and fraudulent Social Security numbers” by these same illegal aliens. According to Sessions, he believes that illegal immigrants using stolen Social Security numbers will not be prosecuted.
Obama holds a significant lead over Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney among Hispanics. Democrat are betting that these amnesty measures for illegals coupled with the rapid expansion of welfare benefits will inevitably push more minorities into the Democratic fold. And while Democrats pander and bribe Latinos, the Republican Party has still yet to effectively message the Latino community and will have to rely on prominent Latino Republicans such as Senator Marco Rubio, Puerto Rican Governor Luis Fortuno and others to make headway for the GOP against the Obama Administration’s divide and conquer political strategy.According to the documents, illegal immigrants convicted of felonies or misdemeanors under “state immigration laws” may be granted deferred action. Those who have repeatedly entered the United States illegally will also be eligible. And traffic violations would not be considered a misdemeanor.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“It is a direct threat to the rule of law and to the demonstrated desire of the American people for a lawful system of immigration,” Sessions said. “I believe this administration has utilized this policy to basically undermine and negate the ability of the law officers to do what they have been hired and paid to do.”
Sessions told Fox News that according to his understanding of the implementation documents, illegal immigrants who are using stolen or fraudulent Social Security numbers in order to gain employment will not be charged with a crime.-Fox News
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