By Javier Manjarres
The Obama re-election campaign is convinced that Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney will be picking Florida U.S. Senator Marco Rubio as his Vice Presidential running mate.In an email to its Florida supporters, the campaign believes that “he’d be a disaster as our next vice president.”
If Rubio is Romney’s VP selection, expect the leftists to go all out in their efforts to smear Rubio and his family. The email in question states that if Rubio is picked, that he would take the country back to the “failed policies of the past.” It’s pretty apparent that they’re not referring to the policies of the past three years and the damage they’ve done- policies that have resulted in record long-term unemployment, trillions of dollars in debt, and widespread pessimism about our economic future.
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They’re actually fearful that Rubio will take the country in the exact opposite direction which restores free markets, prosperity, and American exceptionalism.
Here is the Obama campaign’s fear-mongering email-
Friend —Ever since the GOP presidential campaign started, we’ve been hearing that the eventual vice presidential pick could be one of Florida’s own: Senator Marco Rubio.
With Mitt Romney expected to announce his running mate sometime very soon, we have some work to do.
You see, we know Marco Rubio — all the way from his time in the Florida House of Representatives to his election to the U.S. Senate. But most Americans don’t know him — or the extreme, tried-and-failed policies he’d bring with him to a Romney administration. As Floridians, it’s our job to share what we know about Marco Rubio with the rest of Americans.
Share what you think the rest of the country should know about what Rubio’s really done in Florida — the good, bad, and ugly — and why he’d be a disaster as our next vice president.
Your feedback will help hold Rubio accountable, if and when Romney chooses him. And there’s a lot to be held accountable for.In the Florida State House, Rubio balanced the budget by sticking it to the middle class. And in the Senate, Rubio’s led the way on almost every extreme position Mitt Romney has embraced. If chosen as Romney’s VP, we can count on Rubio to lead us right back to the failed economic policies of the past. Remember — this is the guy who called George W. Bush a “fantastic” president.
Weigh in on what you think Americans should know about Marco Rubio’s record:
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AshleyAshley Walker
Florida State Director
Obama for America
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