by Lone Shark
In the ongoing saga to save what remains of his future political viability, former Republican Governor Charlie Crist has endorsed Democrat Bill Nelson for U.S. Senate over Republican Connie Mack.In doing so, the ever-vacillating Crist is continuing his political transformation from a self-avowed “Reagan Republican” (March 2010) to a supporter of Barack Obama’s radically transformative Democrat socialist agenda and Nelson, his unwavering ally in the Senate.
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As we’ve previously reported here on the Shark Tank, many believe that Crist is angling towards running against Governor Rick Scott as a Democrat in 2014.
Like an aging boxer who doesn’t know when to hang up the gloves, Crist appears to suffer from the delusion that Florida’s body politic simply cannot survive without his hand on the joystick controller. As you no doubt recall, Charlie’s tenure as Governor was filled with lots of frilly-sounding rhetoric and initiatives that amounted to very little (e.g. Green Energy and KidCare), and he continually embraced federal handouts to prop up Florida’s budget while rejecting fiscal conservatism for the state.
Crist may be in no man’s land politically, but he’s certainly never lacked in ambition nor has he ever failed to exploit the opportunities he’s been presented with in order to advance his political career. Â His political metamorphosis so transparently phony that it would be a major step back for Florida to elect an individual who at this stage of his career still has no political core and will attempt to be all things to all people, were he to run.Let’s hope that enough Floridians on both sides of the aisle will see Crist’s rank opportunism for what it is and retire him back to his ambulance-chasing law firm.
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