By Javier Manjarres

In what is certainly a huge boost for her campaign, Congresswoman Adams has announced that Congressman Allen West is endorsing her campaign against the ten-term incumbent Mica in their Republican primary.
We all remember when Mica said this about West, Adams and the rest of the “freshman” Republican members of Congress-
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“When it comes to the new guys, we are talking about amateur hour. These guys need help finding their way to the bathroom.”-Congressman John Mica (Mica’s “Amateur Hour” Congressional Freshman)
It appears that Mica’s haughtiness is coming back to haunt him as West’s endorsement takes a not-so-subtle swipe at Mica and his fellow Republican establishment friends in Congress-
“Two years ago, the citizens of Florida called for a change in the way things were going in our Nation’s Capital. Sandy Adams and I went to the United States House of Representatives to work to get our Republic back on track. We quickly learned the problems were deeper and there were some entrenched careerist politicians who supported the status-quo.“These last two years, Sandy has been fighting to change the ways of Washington. She is a patriot with regard to preserving and protecting our nation and our Constitution. I fully endorse Sandy Adams candidacy for the 7th Congressional District because she represents a new generation of Republican Conservatives who have come to the Halls of Congress to find solutions and is working tireless against some on Capitol Hill who would rather perpetuate the problems-Congressman Allen West
Here is Congresswoman Sandy Adams’ statement announcing West’s endorsement-
“There is no doubt about it, Washington, D.C. is broken. Sadly, even Republicans like John Mica are part of the problem. In 2010, Central Floridians sent me to Congress with patriots like Allen West with a mandate to stop the overspending in Washington. I am proud to say that we have made significant progress in our fight. No longer is the status quo acceptable. The entrenched Republicans and Democrats in Congress who have led us to our nearly $16 trillion debt will be held responsible.
“I am honored to receive Allen West’s endorsement today. Not only is he an American hero, but we share the same passion for preserving and protecting our nation’s Constitution and upholding the principles our great nation was founded upon. I have kept my promises to the Central Floridians who have given me the honor represent them, and my fight to change the way Washington works is not finished.- Congresswoman Sandy Adams
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