By Javier Manjarres

Given that Florida is such a pivotal swing-state with a growing Hispanic community and electorate, you would think that the GOP would have chosen Florida’s own U.S. Senator Marco Rubio. (Source)
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Does this mean that Marco is getting snubbed by the RNC? Â Not at all. Â It could actually be a signal that Rubio will have a more prominent role at the convention.
As Rubio is dominating all the VP talk from Dick Morris, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh’s of the world, is he ready for the bigger stage? Â Some close friends and associates have some doubts about Rubio and his remoteness since arriving in Washington, D.C. citing some forgotten gestures and lack of communication with some of his early supporters.
The VP position in this campaign will need to sharply attack President Obama’s record of failure and do so in a disciplined manner.Rubio is likely one of the few potential candidates who remain on Romney’s short list, but does Rubio have the requisite fortitude to  aggressively go on the attack against Obama day in and out?  Rest assured, Obama & Co. will not pause from their false and malicious attacks, and whoever gets the nod had better be able and willing to stand up and affirmatively counter the torrent of BS emanating from the “Hope and Change” crew rather than stand around asking for apologies.
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