By Javier Manjarres
In his ‘Weekly Wrap-Up’, Congressman Allen West doubled down on his previous statement that President Obama would “rather you be his slave.”The controversial yet accurate statement enraged both Democrats and Leftists because it points out that Obama would rather have Americans rely on government assistance rather than actually earn their own way.
“He does not want you to have the self-esteem of getting up and earning and having that title of American. He’d rather you be his slave-Congressman Allen West
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Now West states in his Wrap-Up this-
We are so far away from Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence. It is now becoming a Declaration of Dependence under this Administration. That ladies and gentlemen is truly a form of slavery, and is not what the title “American” was meant to be. It is certainly not what 56 men pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to establish.
This is enslavement of our indomitable American entrepreneurial spirit, and I will join forces with all those who seek to change this course.-Congressman Allen West.
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Here is West’s entire release-
Greetings to our constituents, all Floridians, and all Americans,
I pray you had a wonderful and happy Independence Day celebration!
It was a great week for me, which gave me time to reflect upon Thomas Jefferson’s impeccable document and the foundational premise upon which this great nation was established. I have sought to articulate that premise this past week when possible – the concept of individual sovereignty.That was why I read the entire Declaration of Independence at several different venues this week. What was very telling were the grievances as listed by Thomas Jefferson and how we see a parallel and resemblance to where we are today. America is moving away from Jefferson’s vision of individual liberty to one of collective subjugation and economic dependence – in effect a new form of slavery.
It is clear that when one objectively assesses where this current Administration is taking America, its members are more concerned with wedding more people to government in a dependent mode than empowering American’ to live out their dreams, and enjoy their unalienable rights which do not emanate from man or government, but from our Creator, the supreme judge.
We see that in this past month, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Social Security Administration, more Americans signed up for Social Security disability (85,000) than jobs were created (80,000). Since June 2009, while the Obama Administration claims 2.4 million jobs have been created, there have been 3.1 million Americans going on Social Security disability in the same timeframe.
Let us not forget, under this Administration, unemployment benefits were increased from 26 weeks to 99 weeks. When economic policies are failing, the solution is not to throw up our hands and simply dole out more benefits. The solution is to change policy.
Instead, poverty rolls have increased by almost seven million Americans since 2009.Food stamp rolls (the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP) have grown from 32 million to 46 million, a 45 percent increase. We now even have a federal government using American taxpayer dollars to promote individuals enrolling on food stamps… unconscionable!
We have the lowest job participation rate that America has seen in 31 years at 63.7 percent. And we now have had 41 months of unemployment above eight percent — the longest running high rate since the Great Depression.
Yet, President Obama states, “We are on the right track.”
Sure we are, if your dream and desire is to economically enslave the American people and collectively subjugate them to government dependency.
We are so far away from Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence. It is now becoming a Declaration of Dependence under this Administration. That ladies and gentlemen is truly a form of slavery, and is not what the title “American” was meant to be. It is certainly not what 56 men pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to establish.This is enslavement of our indomitable American entrepreneurial spirit, and I will join forces with all those who seek to change this course.
-Congressman Allen West