By Javier Manjarres

Congressman Connie Mack, who is running to unseat Democrat Senator Bill Nelson, railed against the decision on a conference call just a few minutes ago. Mack said that his first reaction was that of shock, anger and disbelief. Mack added that the SCOTUS “missed the mark” in upholding Obamacare.
Mack added that Nelson is a lock-step liberal who was and is President Obama’s biggest cheerleader for his Affordable Care Act, and “cast the deciding vote for this piece of legislation.”
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Here are some of the other statements from some of Florida’s most popular political figures, including the statment of Karen Harrington, who is running to defeat Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
As Americans we must help elect conservative minded individuals to the U.S. Congress this fall, that will help in the future effort of defunding and repealing this unconstitutional healthcare law that will further damage our ailing economy-Congressional Candidate Karen Harrington
The U.S. Supreme Courts ruling on Obamacare is nothing more than an outrageous misstep by the court that ignores the constitutional parameters that were initially put in place to keep the federal government in check.
“The United States Supreme Court has ruled to uphold the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act by extending the power of the United States Congress to tax Americans’ behavior. This is a sad day for Americans, as they will be taxed to pay for benefits they may not need or want as part of the insurance they are forced to buy. With this decision, Congress has been granted infinite taxation power, and there are no longer any limits on what the federal government can tax its citizens to do.
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will hit the middle class especially hard, as hundreds of thousands of jobs will be lost as businesses try to avoid the penalties and costs created by the healthcare law. The healthcare law will cost trillions of dollars, raise costs for employers and create huge incentives for them to drop health insurance.
Benjamin Franklin did indeed state, ‘In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.’ However, Dr. Franklin never envisioned the federal government would use its power of taxation to punish people for not purchasing health care. Today, individual sovereignty in America has been defeated.” –Congressman Allen West
“What’s important to remember is that what the Court rules on is whether something is constitutional or not, not whether it’s a good idea. And while the Court has said that the law is constitutional, it remains a bad idea for our economy, and I hope that in the fall we will have a majority here that will not just repeal this law, but replace it with real solutions that will insure more people and cost a lot less money.”-U.S. Senator Marco Rubio
“The Supreme Court’s ruling does not change the fact that the health care law has been a tremendous burden to our nation’s economy, job creators, and the seniors whose care is at risk. From overregulation, to the failed stimulus, to the health care law, President Obama has repeatedly shown the American people that he believes government is the solution to our nation’s problems. However, my Republican House colleagues and I believe that the American people – not the federal government – are the best arbitrators of their health care needs.
When I was elected to Congress, I made a promise to Central Floridians that I would work to repeal the disastrous health care law, and I will not waver in this commitment. Now, more than ever, is the time to move forward with common-sense, step-by-step reforms to allow Americans to make their own health care decisions at a lower cost.” –Congresswoman Sandy Adams
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