By Javier Manjarres

While fielding questions from both state and national news agencies, one reporter decided to delve into his own personal ignorance and political bias by asking the Governor an obviously loaded Democrat talking-point question?
The reporter continuously tried interrupting Governor Scott as he tried to answer his initial question, and when Scott finally answer the question, the reporter again attempted to badger the Governor with the same line of questioning.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.In most Republican states, Hispanics are not welcome, and they are trying to run them out the country. How is it that you feel that the Republican Party now can be at the Hispanic gathering, seeing is that don’t they love them (unintelligible).”- Gary Burton
Needless to say, this guy’s lack of tact and respect for the rest of his fellow colleagues led to the shortening of of the press gaggle. Where this story really gets interesting is when I decided to ask him what his name was. The reporter mumbled something and became agitated with me for asking him who he was and what news agency he represented.
Let’s just say that he didn’t like the fact that I looked at his badge. He stormed off, but not after I was able to catch his name. I think the press badge read Gary Burton from the Detroit Times, Press, or something like that. My colleague WPTV Anchor Michael Williams was standing next to me when this all went down, and he could only stare in amazement before bursting out in laughter.It gets better. Earlier that morning, I noticed ‘Gary’ walk into the media filing room and hold up two dark blue football-styled jerseys that read “Obama” across the shoulders, and the number ’44’ on the back.
Now you see the big picture? This supposed ‘Mainstream Media’ type is openly supporting President Obama and the Democrat Party. That’s ok, just show some tact, respect and integrity next time you are in press gaggle.
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