By Javier Manjarres

While there is nothing illegal about what Lambiet did in posting West’s information, it is highly irresponsible for him or anyone to have done so considering that Congressman West’s life is threatened on a daily basis and has had to used armed personnel to accompany him wherever he goes.
Some like Lambiet will argue that West is safe because his home is nestled within a gated community, but the fact still remains that this posting his address including a picture of his home and the name of the community in which he lives in was tasteless and irresponsible.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Did Lambiet take into consideration the well being of West’s wife and young daughter before he wrote his article?
Lambiet has also plastered his post on West’s Republican primary opponents Bob Crowder’s Facebook page in hopes of causing a bit of a stir.
Kudos to Crowder for removing Lambiet’s post from his Facebook wall. Let’s just hope Crowder maintains this level of integrity, but not going to hold my breath on that.If you liked the post, please share it below.