By Javier Manjarres

LeMieux was enjoying considerable support from Florida’s grassroots movement and Tea Party groups, but Mack has been able to make some in-roads with these groups of late as some are abandoning their support for LeMieux or and reconsidering Mack’s candidacy.
FreedomWorks PAC’s endorsement skewers LeMieux on his past association with Republican-turned-Independent Governor Charlie Crist as well as his voting record while he served in the U.S. Senate.
- LeMieux sponsored more bills with Democrats than Republicans (85 of 158 bills)
- LeMieux sponsored more bills with Democrat Bill Nelson (66 bills together) than anyone else—we don’t need Nelson-lite
- LeMieux worked with the progressive elites of the Democratic Party, including cosponsoring bills with Harry Reid (19 bills), Chuck Schumer (43 bills), Al Franken (23 bills), John Kerry (38 bills), Dianne Feinstein (36 bills), Dick Durbin (35 bills), and even Vermont’s self-proclaimed socialist Bernie Sanders (21 bills)!
- LeMieux supported S. 3442 to federally subsidize the research and production of electric vehicles and direct the federal government to purchase such vehicles for its fleet
- LeMieux supported S. 3464 to implement “green” initiatives such as mandating increases in car mileage standards and the amount of alternative energy being used by power companies
- LeMieux supported S. 3084 to increase the size of the Department of Commerce, creating new government positions at DoC to promote private businesses (crony corporatism)
- LeMieux supported S. 3990 to extend unemployment benefits
- And LeMieux introduced himself S. 3402 to allow HUD to grant loans to low income families to finance housing upgrades to improve their home’s efficiency
- …and the list goes on. You can see it all at the official record here
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Recall that LeMieux once bragged, “I am a Charlie Crist Republican” as well as “He’s (Crist) been the senior partner and I’ve been the junior partner. We make decisions together.” It appears that tethering his political career and prospects too tightly around those of Charlie Crist’s is proving too much for LeMieux to overcome in this Senate primary.-FreedomWorks PAC
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