Javier Manjarres is a nationally renowned award-winning political journalist. Diverse New Media, Corp. publishes Floridianpress.com, Hispolitica.com, shark-tank.com, and Texaspolitics.com He enjoys traveling, playing soccer, mixed martial arts, weight-lifting, swimming, and biking. He ran as a Republican in the 2018 congressional primary race in Florida's CD 22. Javier is also a political consultant, and has also authored "BROWN PEOPLE," which is a book about Hispanic Politics. Learn more at www.brownpeople.org Email him at Diversenewmedia@gmail.com
Obama's Cuyahoga Deja Vu
By Javier Manjarres
In his speech, Obama asserted: “I believe that you can’t bring down the debt without a strong and growing economy. And I believe you can’t have a strong and growing economy without a strong and growing middle class.”
He’s right. But while the President has had three and a half years to encourage the growth necessary to have a strong economy, he hasn’t even come close. The President talks a good game, but so far he’s managed only to amass huge amounts of debt for our children to pay off with very little to show for the cost.
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No wonder President Obama sounds like a broken record: if no one’s fixing the economy, the economy will always need to be fixed.
In fact, Obama was at Cuyahoga Community College two years ago to give…almost exactly the same speech. Then as now, he did not present any specific proposals but rather spread around the blame. He trumpeted his $787 billion stimulus while blaming Republicans for his and the economy’s problems. Sound familiar? The President’s speech writers apparently have a very easy job.
Notably, Obama wasn’t the only Democratic president to visit Cuyahoga CC that September in 2010: Bill Clinton was there as well. And he suggested that if Obama couldn’t get the job done by 2012, he should be voted out of office. He said: “The Democrats are saying something like this: Look, we found a big hole that we did not dig, and we didn’t get out of it in 21 months, but at least we quit digging. So, don’t go back in reverse, give us two more years and if it doesn’t work you have another election in just two years, you can vote us all out then.”Yes President Clinton, we couldn’t agree more.
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