By Javier Manjarres

Warren tried her best to energize the demoralized crowd that was licking its wounds from the overwhelming defeat the Netroots suffered in Wisconsin with the usual Democratic red meat talking points.
After Warren’s remarks she immediately stepped into a Q&A session with two other lefty congressional candidates and promptly equated economic rights to reproductive rights, trying her hardest to gin up the phony ‘war on women’ that Obama’s acolytes are desperately trying to push.
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Here’s some of what Warren said to her fellow “tribe”-
This is about a whole package of rights; it’s about whole attitude toward women. Economic rights and reproductive rights are deeply interwoven. The vote yesterday against equal pay for equal work, is a vote against women, and it would empower those who would vote against them on reproductive issues-these things are working in tandem very much to the disadvantage of women.”-Elizabeth Warren
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