By Javier Manjarres
The Republican National Committee (RNC) has announced that it will open 23 victory offices throughout the state of Florida. The state and national Republican parties are making an aggressive play to solidify Florida for Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney. The offices are positioned to help get out the vote in counties where there is a viable chance of shoring up and/or increasing GOP support. One county of significance, Broward County is slated for one office, but some officials are doubtful about its potential for success largely because of the ineffectual county leadership that has cast a dark cloud of negativity over the local party.A source that is active within the both the state and national parties has told the Shark Tank that confidence is very low for Broward due to the leadership of the local Republican party.
“Floridians are tired of President Obama’s hostility towards job creators and ready for new leadership in the White House,” said RNC Co-Chair Sharon Day. “Republicans across Florida are united in our efforts to defeat President Obama and elect Governor Mitt Romney as our next president.”
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“Florida Republicans are ready for the historic election ahead of us,” said RPOF Chairman Lenny Curry. “The stakes are high, and there is plenty of work to be done, but with the RNC, RPOF, and the Romney Campaign partnering together, we will be victorious in November. I look forward to working alongside all the volunteers who will be at our Victory Offices as we fight for a more prosperous future for our state and country.”- RNC source
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