by Lone Shark
Keeping in line with Senator Bill Nelson’s reputation as a “cautious” legislator who is primarily concerned about “populist” issues, Nelson is now questioning Governor Rick Scott and his efforts to clean up Florida’s voter rolls by removing deceased voters and non-citizens from voter registration lists. Nelson penned the following letter to Governor Scott-Dear Governor Scott:
The Associated Press has written that former Florida Secretary of State Kurt Browning said you initiated a hunt for non-U.S. citizens on state voter rolls and, according to the AP, Browning told you during a face-to-face meeting last year such was unnecessary, because people who register and falsely claim they are citizens can be charged with a crime. The AP further stated that you insisted he proceed.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Your list of 2,600 potential non-citizens reportedly included voters who were born in the U.S. and others who had become citizens. In the 2000 Florida election, at least 1,100 eligible voters were wrongly dropped from voting rolls in an attempt to purge a list of felons. Many of those who were dropped showed up to vote and were told they could not. And in a presidential election decided by 537 votes, that erroneous purge may have been a factor.
The public’s confidence in the right to vote is essential in a democracy. Attempts to purge the voter roll so soon after signing one of the nation’s most controversial voting laws raises concern, especially among young and minority voters.
I hope you will consider these thoughts and observations as you serve as chief executive of our state.Sincerely,
Bill Nelson
Nelson’s goal this election season is to deflect and distract from his voting record over the past six years, the past four of which he has served as a virtual rubber stamp for the radical Obama agenda, which is why this issue represents a convenient one for him to pivot to at this point.
The obvious question that should be asked of Nelson- Do you oppose removing dead people or non-citizens from the voter rolls?
Last week, Gary Fineout of the Associated Press reported that it was Governor Scott who was responsible for starting the push to remove illegal voters from the polls. But within his report we found this little nugget-
Ex-Secretary of State Kurt Browning, who resigned this year, told The Associated Press that Scott asked him whether or not non-U.S. citizens were registered and if those people were voting. Browning explained to the governor during a face-to-face meeting last year that people who register and falsely claim they are citizens can be charged with a crime.
“He says to me — well, people lie,” Browning recalled this week. “Yes, people do. But we have always had to err on the side of the voter.”
Come again? We always have to err on the side of the voter?? How about erring on the side of the law to protect the public interest?
This offhand remark by Browning is emblematic of many of the flawed premises and assumptions adopted by government officials that ultimately leads to bureaucratic inertia and rot.Could you begin to imagine what the consequences would be if convenience stores had to “err on the side of the buyer” when they’re selling liquor and were not required to ask customers for proof of age? Thankfully our alcohol consumption laws aren’t so lax, and anyone whose appearance looks to be under the age of 40 is required to show identification.
If you happen to be questioned about your eligibility to vote in the state of Florida, you should happily provide proof of residence and/or citizenship, and the matter is resolved one way or the other. For Democrats such as Senator Bill Nelson, accountability as it pertains to voting isn’t all that pressing a concern- perhaps Nelson hopes that the “dead” will somehow save his Senate seat from the political graveyard.