By Javier Manjarres
With both President Barack Obama and presumptive Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney aggressively stumping for veterans and active duty military members’ votes this Memorial Day weekend, one might be tempted to think that the military vote is automatically in Romney’s column, right?Well, this remains to be seen. Historically, the military tends to side with the more ‘military-friendly’ Republican Party, but with the recent unpopularity of the wars being fought overseas- according to what the ‘mainstream media’ seems to be reporting- could there be enough disenfranchised and disgruntled military personal to sway a substantial bloc of this vote towards President Obama? Probably not, but it’s not beyond the realm of possibility.
So what will the President and Romney be doing to “seal the deal” with this important voting bloc? According to Fox News, Florida will likely be ground zero for the ‘battle’ to win the vet vote.
Could we see President Obama pull a pro-military stunt like HALO drop with U.S. Special Forces or perhaps will he command a tank ala-Mike Dukakis did back in 1988? I suspect that the Democrats learned their lesson and probably will refrain from these types of stunts, but this is Obama, and as you already know, the narcissism of the man has no has no limits.take our poll - story continues belowDo you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Large pockets of veterans live in such states as Colorado, Florida, North Carolina, Ohio and Virginia. But whether they can assemble a big enough voting bloc to help either candidate win or lose a state remains unclear.
The most likely place will be Florida, a key election state with 1.6 million veterans, Martin Lee, spokesman for Vets for Romney, said Saturday. –Fox News
While the latest Quinnipiac poll has Romney leading Obama in Florida, Romney will need help shoring up all of the traditional Republican voting blocs. One politico that can unquestionably help with the military vote for Romney is Congressman Allen West.
West’s stellar military background and national name recognition, not to mention his fundraising prowess would be a feather in Romney’s cap were he to reach out for West’s help and possibly get him to stump on his behalf across the state of Florida.
West’s involvement would surely help the Republican ticket down the ballot, including the presumptive Republican Senatorial nominee Congressman Connie Mack will also need some vet help to defeat former veteran and current U.S. Senator Bill Nelson. According to the latest Quinnipiac poll, Mack has a commanding primary lead over George LeMieux 40%-7%.
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