By Javier Manjarres

***Update-The temple’s president, Ben Kuehne, a Miami attorney, said the event was cancelled because of “security concerns.” He said they “certainly embrace the congresswoman’s willingness to participate in one of our programs” but decided it was “unwise to proceed with the program tomorrow.”–Miami Herald
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
The blowback from Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz’  political tactics that the Shark Tank first reported on last week has resulted in a unprecedented public outcry and political pressure being brought to bear on the Trustees and Rabbis of Temple Israel in Miami – pressure which may lead to the cancellation of  Wasserman Schultz’ appearance at the Temple scheduled for this Friday night.
As you may recall, the Shark Tank reported on the sanctioning of the former President and long time member of Temple Israel, Stanley Tate.  Tate was told he would not allowed to address the Temple’s congregation either before or after Wasserman Schultz spoke at the May 25th event, prompting him to send out a scathing letter to the members of the Temple in which he described what transpired between him and the Temple’s Trustees that ultimately lead to his resignation.
The President wants the Jewish people to believe that he is in favor of peace, but what he really wants is to give the Palestinians what they want, a two-state solution that  divides Jerusalem. President Obama went to Cairo, Egypt to give a speech, yet he has never been to Israel”.-  Stanley Tate
Several of South Florida’s grassroots organizations are planning to protest Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz’s May 25th appearance at Temple Israel in North Miami. Wasserman Schultz is still currently scheduled to address the congregation at 7:30pm.
Temple Israel of Greater Miami
137 NE 19th St.
Miami, FL 33132
(305) 576-8522