By Javier Manjarres
Kudos to Congressman Vern Buchanan for stepping up and co-sponsoring the “No Budget, No Pay” bill that would mandate that Members of Congress to pass a budget or not get their paychecks. Buchanan, like many other representatives are at their wits end with Democrat obstructionism and believe that the United States is on a pathway to collapse if Congress can’t pass a budget that is mandated by law that get its profligate spending under control.
Below is the transcript of Buchanan’s video update to his constituents-
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
1,113 days. For over three years…
That’s how long it’s been since Congress last passed a budget to pay down our nearly $16 trillion dollar debt.As millions of Americans make the tough choices every day to spend within their means, Congress is incapable of doing the same.
The people deserve better. That’s why I co-sponsored the “No Budget, No Pay Act.”
The legislation is simple — Members of the U-S Senate and House do not get paid until they pass a budget.
No small business would tolerate paying an employee who refuses to do his or her job. So why should Congress get paid for failing to complete one of its most basic responsibilities?
They shouldn’t — and that’s why I support the “No Budget, No Pay Act.” It’s time to hold Congress’ feet to the fire.
[vsw id=”w7L-C8A4Ick” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]
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