By Javier Manjarres
In what will be the most consequential election year in generations that puts to convictions of the general electorate to the test, beltway Republicans don’t appear to be making things any easier for their party’s prospects in November.Today’s Politico features an article that cites Republican official familiar with the internal deliberations withing the Romney campaign in determining who is likely to be Romney’s VP selection.
Romney’s national strategist Stuart Stevens was himself a former advisor to former Governor Charlie Crist’s failed Senator campaign against Senator Marco Rubio, is focused on making sure that Romney doesn’t make the same the mistakes McCain made back in 2008.
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Apparently, the scuttle is that the Romney folks are leaning towards a ‘safe pick’ for VP position. The Politico cites one of these advisors as saying that ” it (Romney’s campaign) will be designed to produce a pick who is safe and, by design, unexciting–a deliberate anti-Palin”. The POLITICO piece quotes this ‘official’ also stating that they are looking for someone that is an “incredibly boring white guy.”
But a Republican official familiar with the Romney campaign’s thinking said the vice presidential search will be more rigorous and will likely produce a candidate a lot less flashy than McCain’s running mate, then-Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. –Politico
These are the same advisors that ran a losing 2008 campaign, that if it wasn’t for someone having a ‘bump on the head’, ‘come to jesus moment’ of picking Sarah Palin as the VP, would have been at the helm of one of the worse presidential loses in recent history.
Love her or hate her, Sarah Palin saved McCain’s 2008 Presidential bid from a disastrous ending by firing up the base and shoring up conservative activists.
“If not [Ohio Sen. Rob] Portman , [former Minnesota Gov. Tim] Pawlenty, [Indiana Gov. Mitch] Daniels — some other incredibly boring white guy,” the official said. “If there was a fourth name on the list, it’s [Virginia Gov.] Bob McDonnell.”
So who will be this boring ‘Whiteboy’ that Romney’s team is possibly looking for? According to Politico’s source, the Romney campaign appears leery of Governor Chris Christie for being too much of a firebrand and Senator Marco Rubio for being to green to the process as well unvetted. They also have reservations about South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley and New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez , both of whom have not yet been had much exposure on the national stage and could be more susceptible to gaffes, i.e. potentially Palin-esque.
Will the Romney campaign play it safe with its VP pick, or will they think “outside the box” and pick someone who could have a broad national appeal to diverse constituency groups?Did you like this post? Please share it below.