By Javier Manjarres

Rubio has made news of late for floating the beginnings of a “Conservative Dream Act” to counter the pro-illegal immigration Dream Act that President Obama hopes to be able to sign into law.
The Obama Administration is rightfully scared that Rubio’s possible bill would take the illegal immigration argument right out from under his feet, as the President has already telegraphed that he has no qualms with his surrogates igniting a divisive conflict along racial lines during this presidential campaign.
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Rubio hopes to lead Latinos across the country away from reckless race-baiters and have them marching to the sounds of a different pair of “bongos”. 😉 The junior Senator has been a strong advocate of “Legal Immigration” and feels that the Dream Act is nothing more than amnesty for illegal aliens, and he is right.
Rubio believes that “there is no such thing as a monolithic Hispanic vote,” and that they way Hispanics vote is “very much determined on where you live, how long you’ve lived there.”
Rubio also disclosed a bit of interesting family information that’s not widely known, telling us that his first cousin (also a Cuban-American) is a top Democrat in the Nevada State Senate-My first cousin is Cuban-American just like I am, he is the Democratic leader of the state senate in Nevada, same family, same experience, but he grew up in Las Vegas, and I have primarily have been here in Miami.
There is a group of Americans out there that happen to be of Hispanic decent that are not identified with one party or with another, and those are the ones that we should focus on. For example, recent arrivals from Puerto Rico that live in central Florida have show tendency to vote for Republicans, they vote for the candidate, not for the party.
Americans of Hispanic descent are obsessed with leaving their kids better off than themselves, giving their children opportunities that they themselves didn’t have, that’s what drives them, and the Republicans have to make a persuasive and consistent argument that the free enterprise system is the best economic system in the world for that to be possible. In essence, our policies are good for their dreams, and the Democrats and the President’s policies are bad for their dreams. – Senator Marco Rubio
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