by Javier Manjarres

Candidate Joe Kaufman, a long-time pro-Israel and anti-Islamist activist believes that “the time for talk is over, and the time for action is absolutely now,” when it comes to dealing with the Iranian threat. Kaufman believes that the U.S. should strike Iran and not wait to give them the opportunity to build a nuclear weapon.
Kaufman took issue with his opponent, Ozzie deFaria’s remarks that didn’t agree with his more extreme position, indicating the Kaufman seemed to become unraveled while making his case for a U.S. strike against Iran. deFaria stated that the U.S. should “absolutely not” follow Israel blindly if they were to attack Iran and ask for assistance.
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Kaufman then interrupted deFaria was in mid-sentence prompting deFaria to reply, “we cannot have this mentality representing us in the United States Congress.”
Both Karen Harrington and Juan Eliel Garcia echoed deFaria, Garcia even went as far as to say that “we aren’t terrorists, that’s how terrorists act,” when addressing the same question. Garcia believes that the U.S. should assist Israel if and only if they are being attacked.
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