by Javier Manjarres

I believed in the American dream, and I taught my daughter to believe in the American dream, and there are many woman out there, whether they are Independent, Republican, Democrat, no party affiliation, they believe in the American dream. – Congresswoman Sandy Adams
Adams said the “this President and his policies are standing in their way.”
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Adams also stated that this “faux” war on woman was really “an attack on our religious liberties and our religious freedoms.” Before she was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives, Adams, like many Americans, had to face both personal and financial hardships before finding some semblance of stability.
Adams dropped out of high school to join the U.S. Air Force. She married and mothered a child but then divorced after her husband became abusive. She held several odd jobs to make ends meet while raising a child as a single mother, and she accomplished these responsibilities why Adams obtained her GED and put herself through the police academy.
Adams then remarried a fellow police officer but then suffered a tragic loss when her husband was killed in the line of duty. Her husbands’ death prompted her become more active in politics which eventually led to her run for the Florida House of Representatives.
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