by Javier Manjarres

Senator Rubio, who is the son of Cuban exiles, immediately took issue with the Colombian Presidents remarks and stated that “the summit is a meeting of democratic nations and a tyranny like Cuba has no place at that table.” Rubio continued, “if Cuba truly wants a seat at the table among all its Western Hemisphere neighbors, then it should reject totalitarianism, free all political prisoners and offer all Cubans a seat at the table of a truly representative democracy.
Rubio said that he attended the summit on behalf of “Team America” and stressed that the U.S. should perhaps take notes from what other South American countries such as Chile have done to grow their economies. Many of these same countries have expressed concerns that the U.S. is a country that has lost its focus. Rubio added that this Summit may have served as “a pivot point to refocus on our neighbors and our neighborhood.”
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.We need to look south and see what some of these nations have been able to do, they have embraced the American example of free enterprise-Senator Marco Rubio
Regarding the issue that President Obama has been taking credit for important foreign policy measures that were put in place by President George W. Bush, Rubio shied away from directly going after the President but did mention that the Bush Administration “deserves credit for laying the ground work” for measures that he felt were “important for the Obama Administration to maintain.”
Rubio was also questioned about the controversy surrounding Marlins Baseball Manager Ozzie Guillen. While Rubio joked about whether or not Guillen said another insulting gaffe, he did say that he did not agree with Guillen’s initial statement where he said he “respected” Fidel Castro. If you like post, share it below.
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