by Javier Manjarres

DeSantis’ finance committee consists of Senator Marco Rubio’s ol’ State Finance committee, Jay Demetree, Nancy McGowan and ‘Mac’ McGehee
The newly drawn CD 6 slants heavily in favor of Republicans, so it is fair to say that the winner of this primary race will be the next member of Congress from Florida.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Here is the press release the DeSantis campaign put out just a few moments ago-
Republican Ron DeSantis Raises $227,000 in 52 Days During 1st Quarter   PONTE VEDRA BEACH, Fla. — Republican Ron DeSantis, the Iraq war veteran and Navy reserve officer who is running for Congress in the new 6th congressional district of Florida, will report to the FEC later this month that he raised $227,000 during the first quarter. A true fiscal conservative in both word and deed, DeSantis will report having $218,800 cash on hand.
 “We are pleased with our fundraising results thus far but are even more pleased that we have assembled a strong network of supporters that will enable us to raise the resources necessary to win going forward,” DeSantis said. “We have just begun.” DeSantis, 33, having neither sought nor held public office, is not a politician. When DeSantis announced his campaign for Congress on February 9, he did not have an established donor network from past campaigns or an elected position from which to solicit donations. Thus, he only had 52 days to introduce himself to – and earn the backing of – his impressive list of supporters in addition to the actual raising of funds.Ron worked his way through Yale University and Harvard Law School and then elected to serve his country as an officer in the United States Navy. Ron deployed to Iraq during the 2007 troop surge as an adviser to a Navy SEAL commander in support of the SEAL counterinsurgency mission, and was awarded the Bronze Star Medal for meritorious service. He has been endorsed by Erick Erickson of and the Combat Veterans for Congress PAC. Ron lives in Ponte Vedra Beach in St. Johns County with his wife Casey Black DeSantis, an Emmy award-winning television host.