by Javier Manjarres

“Well, I am going to endorse Mitt Romney and the reason why is not only because he is going to be the Republican nominee but he offers at this point, such a stark contrast to the President’s record-Senator Marco Rubio
During a Rubio fundraiser 2010 fundraiser in West Palm Beach, I asked Governor Romney about whether he would consider Rubio as a VP Pick. Romney said that he liked the sound of a Romney/Rubio ticket-
While Rubio may sincerely mean what he says when he states that he won’t be picked as the VP, no one is buying that bologna 😉 Let me very clear. If Marco Rubio is asked to be the VP nominee, he will accept the nod.take our poll - story continues belowDo you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Senator-elect Rubio is a tremendously charismatic and inspiring candidate, so much so that Governor Mitt Romney personally told me his thoughts about how he felt about Rubio back in March of this year. Interestingly enough, I asked the Governor about a possible Romney-Rubio ticket and he answer with a simple, yet telling statement:
” I really like Marco, I would love to see him win…can you imagine a Conservative Hispanic in Washington?” – Gov. Mitt Romney (Shark Tank)
It’s likely that Rubio was coordinating this endorsement with Romney for quite some time. Rubio’s recent media blackout of sorts that has shielded him from the recent spate of preemptive attacks by the Democratic Party and the liberal media in addition to the fact that there are a bunch of ‘Chismosas’ in the Miami Boogie-down who know far more about extent of the collaboration between the two camps that goes beyond what’s already been publicly disclosed- it’s very possible that a Romney/Rubio 2012 may be a fait accompli.
We also can’t discount that Team Romney has been part of Team Rubio since early on in Rubio’s Senatorial campaign. Rubio’s current Communications Director and campaign press secretary, Alex Burgos, along with former Rubio campaign Communication Director and current RNC Deputy Communication Director Joe Pounder were integral parts in Romney’s 2008 presidential bid. In addition, numerous Romney holdovers from 2008 were also part of Rubio’s 2010 Senate campaign, including current Romney advisor Alberto “Albacore” Martinez, who also consults for Rubio’s Reclaim America PAC. .
I will bet Senator Rubio a meal from his favorite fast-food eating establishment- Chick-fil-A- that he will accept the nomination if asked.