by Javier Manjarres

deFaria’s most recent campaign email addresses recipients as “Fellow Patriots” in hopes of convincing them that he is a legit “Tea Party” candidate. deFaria is not actually someone whom most would consider a Tea Party “activist”, he is actually a wealthy business executive that is self-financing his campaign and ‘banking’ on his business acumen to win the Republican nomination.
But deFaria is continuing to mislead potential supporters with highly questionable allegations in his campaign solicitations. The latest- somehow, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz “threatened” him. Here’s deFaria email-
Wasserman Schultz told a close associate of mine that she was offended by my use of the picture at right, which I used to highlight her as Obama’s biggest Attack Dog (hence the collar).She then told my associate that, “Ozzie will get what’s coming to him.”We all know what that means… Debbie and the Obama attack machine are going to spend millions of dollars to destroy my family, my reputation, and my professional life in South Florida.
“We want him (deFaria) to win.” anonymous Democrat operative
What he’s doing here is playing up to the rabid Tea Party base. And the really sad thing is it just might work.-Local 10, ABC Affiliate
With so many legitimate and significant issues to challange Rep. Wasserman Schultz on, that a candidate (
Ozzie deFaria) is lowering himself to the likes of Liberal Talking-Heads, by using personal attacks. The Tea Party, by and large, refuses to delve into personal attacks and focuses instead upon issues…limited Government, the Constitution and Free Markets…In this race, as with any race across the Country, candidates have more than enough issues to differentiate themselves rather than sinking to personal attacks. I can assure you that the Tea Party does not support candidates who do not conduct themselves with respect and decorum.- Tom Gaitens, FreedomWorks State Director
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
So now the table is almost set for the Democrats to feast on what will be an indefensible blunder that could very well affect Republicans up and down the ballot- and it’s precisely the opportunity that Democrats always look to exploit. Rest assured, Democrats are salivating at the opportunity to tie Congressman Allen West, Senator Marco Rubio, the eventual Republican presidential nominee, Republicans, and the Tea Party as racist, sexist, mysogenist and outright “extremists.”
So ask yourselves the following- why has deFaria not rolled out any endorsement from any elected Republican? According to deFaria, businessman Wayne Huizenga has endorsed him, but for how long? We reached out to Huizenga, but he could not be reached for comment. Considering that deFaria is not backing away in the least from his polarizing campaign advertisements, what member of any legislative body would put their career and reputation on the line by backing deFaria? Supporters of deFaria would be well advised to reconsider all of their options if they are indeed serious about defeating Debbie Wasserman Schultz.