by Javier Manjarres

Republican National Committee (RNC) Co-Chair Sharon Day has just released an open letter to Americans regarding Warlord Obama’s recent call to arms against Obama’s own “War on Women” political circus act:
Republican National Committee
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Sharon Day
An Open Letter on Obama’s War on WomenOne of the more ridiculous statements offered by President Obama and his minions is that a war on women is being waged. However, on second thought, he may have actually stumbled upon the truth. There is a war on women going on, but it is actually the Obama War on Women.
Check out this RNC link to see what I mean:
Obama seems to think women are single issue voters that are not smart enough to understand the impact of his failed administration and his over-reaching regulation agenda. The truth is this President has failed America’s women on so many levels with his broken promises.
Women are suffering greatly from Obamanomics. Here are a few facts:Women have gained less than 10 percent of jobs created during the “recovery”.
- Unemployment among women has risen by 1.3 percent.
- Women are living in poverty at the highest rate in 17 years.
- The extreme poverty rate is the highest EVER!
- Every woman in America today owes $50,000 toward the national debt (as does every man and child)
- Women create numerous small businesses yet Obama regulations cost $1.75 Trillion annually.
Unfortunately for Obama, despite his reckless charges, the facts keep getting in the way. His campaign’s unprecedented and insincere outreach to women, including the charge of a GOP war on women, has not halted his dive in approval among women from 2008 levels. Today, less than 50 percent of women say they would vote for Obama’s re-election.
The President’s failure to manage the “kitchen table issues” such as energy costs, jobs and the economy is causing him to lose his support among women. Often the manager of the family budget, women continue to see a sharp decline in buying power due to surging gas prices.
While they hear Obama talk about the war on women in terms of contraceptives on their car radio, they watch the price at the gas pump rocket upward. They wonder how they will manage to put food on their family’s table while also being able to afford the gas it takes to get their children to school and to baseball and soccer practice. Women understand that a gallon of gasoline cost $1.85 when Obama was inaugurated and the average price today has more than doubled to $3.85 (3/17/12). That is a war on women’s ability to provide!
Obama also seems to think that left wing liberals like Bill Maher can say anything they want against conservative women. We would like to know why the President is waging a war on women by his acceptance, rather than refusal, of Bill Maher’s $1 million contribution despite his vulgar comments.The Obama Administration has failed America’s women, men and children. Together, we will fight Obama’s war on women and our weapon of choice will be our ballot. On November 6, Republicans, Independents and thoughtful Democrats will defeat Obama and end the war on women.
Please share this message and RNC video linked here for the whole story. Pass it along to every woman you know. Together we must share the true story of Obama’s War on Women
Sharon Day
Co-ChairmanRepublican National Committee