By Javier Manjarres

Upon his departure from the Republican Party, the newly minted “Independent” declared that the Republican Party had become “too conservative” and that the Tea Party were just a bunch of crackpot radicals. But now it appears Crist has lost his crush on being “Independent”- perhaps because the label has become synonymous with “unelectable” here in Florida. The whispering around the Democrat Party’s water cooler is that Crist has been actively courting Democrat members of the Florida Legislature in an attempt to consolidate support for a Gubernatorial run in 2014 against Republican Governor Rick Scott, a Democrat source close to the Shark Tank has confirmed.
And just by pure coincidence, the Obama Administration is beginning to praise former Governor Charlie Crist as it begins to lay the groundwork for him to run for Governor as a Democrat-
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.There’s been speculation in Florida that former Gov. Charlie Crist could endorse President Obama for reelection in 2012 as a step toward becoming a Democrat and running for governor again in 2014.
So these comments from David Axelrod to the Tampa Bay Times are eye-catching, in that context:
The president has a very high regard for Gov. Crist. He made a really courageous decision back in 2009 and there’s no doubt that he made it because he thought it was what was best for the state of Florida. He understood the politics were difficult and he made it nonetheless. He deserves enormous credit for that and the courage he showed. You know we all talk about that we want public officials who are willing to put the next generation ahead of the next election and he was willing to make a decision like that. So we admire him.Crist could be a helpful surrogate for a president hoping to woo independent voters who think the GOP has moved too far to the right.- Politico
While many Floridians bought Charlie Chameleons’ song and dance several years back, he will have a difficult time convincing Republicans and Independents that he would be the better choice than Governor Rick Scott were he to officially run for Governor. Why? The answer is simple- trust. Which Party or group will be able to trust Charlie Crist on anything? Jilted Republicans or Independents? Unconvinced Democrats who are all too familiar with his unpredictable instincts and dubious track record? Crist is the candidate that will inspire confidence and trust in no one except amongst his die-hard followers.
Several Democrat talking heads have told the Shark Tank that they absolutely do not trust Crist either. But if the D’s take a pounding in 2012, desperation may set in for the D’s who will try any gambit to reclaim power and wind up supporting anyone- Crist could very well be the beneficiary of that sentiment in 2014.
It’s yet to be confirmed that after Crist’s tryst with the Democrats is over, Charlie will change that voter registration card one more time and register Libertarian- just in time for Ron Paul’s 2016 presidential campaign.