By Javier Manjarres

During our recent trip to Washington D.C., Florida Congressman Bill Posey (R) took a few minutes out of his schedule to discuss our ailing space program, and he made some very interesting points regarding NASA and the Chinese space threat.
While most people do not think about how the space program impacts their lives, Posey outlines the fact that “everything is satellite linked-everything in the technological age is satellite linked.” This is no doubt true- all of the daily transactions that people conduct- banking, cell phone usage, GPS, or even a simple credit card transaction, are all facilitated by satellites that orbit the earth.
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Posey also recalls the incident in which the Chinese government intentionally flexed their military muscle in space by shooting down of one of their satellites that was in orbit. Posey observed that the U.S. typically permits its satellites to burn up on re-entry into the earth, but China’s move to shoot their satellite down was intended to showcase their increasing power and capability in space that one day could be employed against U.S. interests.
[vsw id=”t6pj6s9-nBs” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]Why would the Chinese blow up their own satellite, why wouldn’t they just let it burn up on re-entry? It’s sending a signal to us what their capabilities are, its sending a signal to the rest of the world what their capabilities are, and literally its practice…Hitler had plans for a Space Station to rain down terror on his enemies.”-Congressman Bill Posey