By Javier Manjarres
While digging through the recent video Shark-ives for some background on another Rubio post I am currently writing, I stumbled upon Senator Marco Rubio’s Hispanic Leadership Network speech. At the very beginning of his speech, Rubio joked about the protesters that were protesting him outside the the event, and Rubio let fly something that can be interpreted as a possible signal that he is considering a possible jump to higher office in the very near future. When Rubio stated, “if he was in the Senate another year,” the question that comes to mind is where would he go, considering that he’s only been in the Senate for a year?Rubio is everyone’s short-list for VP, and he has gone on record saying that he won’t be the pick. Watch the short video clip and you decide for yourself, as to whether you think Rubio has contemplated accepting the VP nod.
Although, if I am in the Senate for another year…-Senator Marco Rubio
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)