By Javier Manjarres

We stated the following:
“After last night’s Republican Presidential debate, the candidates’ respective spinmeisters made their cases to the media as to why their guy won the debate. One of Governor Mitt Romney’s spokesmen was Florida Representative Will Weatherford, and during the course of his remarks in the “Spin Room”, he shed a very dim light on the ongoing redistricting process in the Florida Legislature.”
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While the conservative movement’s distrust of Romney is both valid and understandable, it is straining credulity to begin to believe that Mitt Romney or his presidential campaign are in any way attempting to “screw over” Congressman Allen West in the redistricting process here in Florida, and this certainly applies to Representative Weatherford as well.
We are at the apex of the primary silly season here in Florida, and the accusations, paranoia, conspiracy theorists, and the mudslinging are all in full effect, and everyone is pointing fingers at their political opponents, “the establishment” or other nefarious groups when their preferred candidate takes a hit.
Is another presidential campaign(s) or political action committees fueling this media frenzy about Romney and his supporters in a last minute attempt to muck up the waters enough to make a difference in the Florida primary election and beyond?In summary, do I believe that the ‘higher'(not Weatherford) authorities in Florida’s Legislature struck a backroom deal that would benefit their future political aspirations and give the stiff-arm to Congressman Allen West? My answer is a resounding ‘Yes.’