The latest polling data from Suffolk University on Florida’s 2012 General Election continues to substantiate previous polling data regarding possible general election matchups between the Republican candidates and President Obama. The survey of 600 Florida registered voters taken between January 22-24 finds that Mitt Romney beats Barack Obama in Florida by 5 points (47-42) but has Newt Gingrich losing to Obama by 9 points (49-40). Gingrich’s very high unfavorables and weakness with Independent voters continues to raise questions about his chances for success in a potential general election matchup-
“Newt Gingrich is weak among Florida independents and likely Democratic voters compared to Romney. If Florida is one of six key states that swings the national election, independents in Florida hold that key, and this poll suggests that Newt won’t be able to secure Florida for his party.” – David Paleologos, director of the Suffolk University Political Research Center
Also of interest is the poll’s finding that if Barack Obama selected Hillary Clinton as his VEEP, they come out slightly ahead of a Romney/Rubio ticket (49-47), but within the margin of error of +/- 4%.
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