By Javier Manjarres
Congressman Ron Paul’s presidential candidacy continues to hit significant pot holes as inquiries regarding his past newsletters and ‘conspiracy theory’ comments are now receiving widespread scrutiny. According to The Yid with Lid, Ron Paul lies when he states that he was never entertained the whole 9/11 conspiracy theory.In an interview with ABC’s Jake Tapper, Congressman Paul was asked it he had ever flirted with a 9/11 conspiracy theory, prompting Paul to state that the whole idea was ‘nonsense’ and that he “never bought into” that kind of thought. But while on a radio show appearance back in 2007, Paul suggested that ‘we’ weren’t being told everything about what really happened on September 11, 2001-
“CALLER: I want a complete, impartial, and totally independent investigation of the events of September 11, 2001 . I’m tired of this bogus garbage about terrorism. Ask Michael Meacher about how he feels about this bogus war on terrorism. Can you comment on that please?
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.HON. DR. RON PAUL: Well, that would be nice to have. Unfortunately, we don’t have that in place. It will be a little bit better now with the Democrats now in charge of oversight. But you know, for top level policy there’s not a whole lot of difference between the two policies so a real investigation isn’t going to happen. But I think we have to keep pushing for it. And like you and others, we see the investigations that have been done so far as more or less cover-up and no real explanation of what went on. – National Examiner
This is just one of Paul’s many comments that builds the case as to why he his unsuitable to be President of the United States. In late 2011, the racial charged newsletters that were penned by Paul back in the 1980’s and 1990’s painted a very dark and ominuous picture about how Paul possibly perceives Jews, Blacks and Gays.
The Shark Tank wrote the following about bigotry laden newsletters:Ron Paul has emphatically disavowed these postings in his newsletters throughout the 1980′s and 90′s and stated that he did not know about the content now being called into question, claiming that there were others who wrote material for his newsletters that attributed the work to him. Paul has claimed he did publish the newsletters, and that admission should completely implicate himself- the buck needs to stop at the top.
Here’s a dose of reality for Ron Paul’s stalwart supporters- there is no way on God’s green earth that you can convince me that Ron Paul did not know what was being written in his newsletters. But let’s give him the benefit of the doubt here for a minute. Let’s just say that there were others writing the newsletters alongside him and there was one instance that some racial slur was posted in the newsletter. But what about the other off color remarks about Blacks, Jews and Gays? Ron Paul’s Bigoted Remark-“Hate Whitey Day“
With all of the questionable off-color remarks and literature that emanate from Ron Paul, how is it that Paul receives so much support, let alone get re-elected to Congress time and again? The answer is simple- Ron Paul’s extreme libertarianism appeals to the youth as well as the anarchist faction-the Occupy Wallstreeters, if you would- voters who have no proper appreciation of the fact that the geopolitical climate is steadily growing more dangerous and naively think that if we would simply draw down our military presence, we would realize “peace”, which is yet another absurd promise that Paul routinely makes.
Paul also appeals to the adolescent college student who is still rebelling against his or her parents- those young-ens who are still likely to be dabbling with college’s drug of choice- marijuana- it’s no wonder why they easily gravitate towards Paul’s ‘legalize pot’ agenda. Newt Gingrich said it best about Paul here-
“This is a guy who basically says, if the United States were only nice, it wouldn’t have had 9/11. He doesn’t want to blame the bad guys. … He dismisses the danger of Iranian nuclear weapon and seems to be indifferent to the idea that Israel could be wiped out. And as I said, I think the key to his volunteer base is people who want to legalize drugs.“
If you take the pot legalization plank out of Ron Paul’s platform, you will surely see a significant drop in support for the eccentric congressman from Texas.
Ron Paul consistently states that we should just follow the constitution of the United States as it was written back in 1787. But what Paul fails to grasp is that there is ample latitude given in that same constitution- particularly to the Executive Branch- to deal with high-tech 21st century threats that are are clear and present dangers to our national security in a manner that does not trample on our constitutional liberties.
Ron Paul will not be the Republican nominee for President. Even if he were the the eventual nominee, President Barack Obama would easily win reelection. President Obama would actually run to the right of Paul with his passive and weak foreign policy- a policy that actually comes across as more hawkish than the Ron Paul’s dangerously naive foreign policy prescriptions.