By Javier Manjarres
Republican Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich is well known for his prodigious intellect and unmatched rhetorical skills, but his own strengths could also serve as his own worst enemies given the fact that the former Speaker of the House has an opinion on nearly everything under the sun. There are a growing number of conservatives “in the know’ that are coming to the realization that Gingrich is the most ‘toxic’ Republican presidential candidate of the field who may not be the “attractive alternative” to President Obama that other candidates might be.Gingrich enjoys a double digit lead in the latest GOP presidential polls, but the renewed scrutiny that Gingrich is undergoing could very well bring his campaign back down to earth, as political operatives and the mainstream media dig into Gingrich’s countless media appearances over the past several decades. Just recently, video was uncovered of Newt Gingrich praising, albeit in a qualified manner, President Obama’s failed Stimulus plan of 2009-
A very serious investment in the health information technoloy, which takes us a significant way down the road to really having electronic health records for every American, and I applaud President Obama for developing and insisting on that approach.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.A substantial amount of money for Medicaid which will in fact help the states this year, at least in the short term period to be able to pay their bills, and be able to help hospitals and doctors, who otherwise face very severe cuts… We need to move forward and work with President Obama in a bipartisan way to see if we can develop real health reform. -Newt Gingrich, 2009 video
Gingrich has stated that he would consider Senator Marco Rubio as a vice presidential running mate, but with this latest revelation that Gingrich offered his support for Obama’s Stimulus Plan- even if only in part- this fact lays bare Gingrich’s opportunism against Senator Rubio’s consistent and principled opposition the Obama Stimulus Plan. Recall that back in 2009 Rubio’s senatorial campaign was premised on unequivocal opposition to the “Stimulus” plan which he was successfully able to tied around Governor Charlie Crist’s neck and charted the path to victory for him in the 2010 general election.
This very issue of Gingrich praising and supporting one of the President’s Socialist-lite pieces of legislation could prove to be very problematic with the Iowa Caucus just weeks away. There is no doubt that his opponents will remind him about his support at Thursday nights Fox News debate in Sioux City, Iowa.The Shark Tank is a fish out of water this week in Iowa as we cover the candidates and the Sioux City debate.