By Javier Manjarres

A who’s who of South Florida politics attended the event including Congresswoman Ileana Ros Lehtinen, ACU Chairman Al Cardenas, as well as the newly named Newt for President State Director Jose ‘El Macho’ Mallea.
Mallea was Senator Marco Rubio’s campaign manager during his 2012 Senate race, and his hire may be an indicator of a significant shift of support towards Gingrich, as there is speculation around the state that a good portion of former Rubio staffers and operatives- including many others from current and ‘suspended’ presidential campaigns are lining up to get on board Gingrich’s campaign. What could also be another potential feather in Gingrich’s hat is that Senator Rubio is an acquaintance of Gingrich’s and speaks very highly of him.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Newt Gingrich is a known commodity around here(Miami). He was pretty consistently in favor of the positions of the Cuban exile community, with regards to Cuba-he has a record on that. Senator Marco Rubio
During our short elevator ride down to the valet parking area, Senator Rubio said that his PAC would be involved in only 4 to 5 Senate races around the country, and they were currently in the process of deciding which ones to get involved in.
When asked if he would get involved in other contentious congressional races that are being targeted by Democrats- notably Allen West’s and Karen Harrington’s, Rubio said that while the focus of the PAC is with Senate races, nothing is off the table.We could [be getting involved in Allen West’s and Karen Harrington’s congressional races]. Our focus will be on the Senate first. We are looking for people that will go to Washington, D.C. and be on our side of the agenda. We are always looking for a place where we can make a difference, on behalf of a conservative candidate-Senator Marco Rubio