By Javier Manjarres

Adams stated that it was clear that Holder did not want to answer simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to any of her questions, he just “filibustered.” Committee members are allotted five minutes to ask questions, so it was clear that Holder was trying to run out the clock by not providing straightforward answers that took up much of the time alotted to the Congresswoman.
At one point, Holder showed his arrogance and the fact that he was caught off guard by Adams’ questioning when he stated to her, “You don’t dictate.” (Minute 2:30)
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Holder accused Republicans of trying to politicize these hearings, but Adams railed back at him.
Adams told me that “if anyone is trying to make this political, it is him [Holder] and his agency,” and that “no one has been held accountable for this failed operation.”“I take issue with you saying that we are trying to make political points with Officer Terry’s death-to me it’s personal, ok? Â It’s not political. One of our officer’s was killed by weapons that were allowed to walk. That should never have happened.” Congresswoman Sandy Adams
Holder himself has stated that ‘Fast and Furious’ was a “flawed operation,” and that he only found out about the operation after the shooting incident was reported. Â Adams then questions if he would divulge any and all private and personal emails he sent regarding the gun running program, but Holder continued to dodge her questions by eventually answering that he would not disclose the emails.
Adams joins the growing number of calls for Eric Holder to be fired.
“He needs to go.”- Â Congresswoman Sandy Adams