By Javier Manjarres
During Governor Rick Scott’s 2012-2013 budget roll out in Tallahassee, Florida, The Daily Show’s Assif Mandvi sprang up from his seat to ask Governor Scott if he would urinate in a plastic specimen cup he had brought with him. Mandvi continued to badger the Governor, albeit respectfully, until Scott firmly told him that ” he didn’t run the show’, which instantly prompted Mandvi to stop his questioning.
After the event, we caught up with Mandvi in the lobby to ask him why he would make such an inane request of the Governor. Mandvi said that both he and Jon Stewart would both be willing to “pee freely”- all in the name of ratings, I suppose. So let’s “man up”, gentleman- I dare both Mandvi and Stewart to each submit a urine sample during their next taping of the Daily Show- chances are that neither of you will have the ‘cojones’ to do so.
[vsw id=”ShZS0uQBdHM” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]