By Javier Manjarres

Let’s call it her “Denial of The Nile” take on foreign policy. Wasserman-Schultz is correct to note that we should be leery of what results may come from “democratic change” in the Middle East, but what she’s blaming Bush for (again) is actually what the Obama Administration has aided in the so called “Arab Spring” in Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt, where the supporters of Islamic fundamentalism promising a return to Sharia Law are ascendant, and anti-Israel sentiment along with Christian persecution is on the rise.
So logic of the DNC Chairwoman is this- in spite of the fact that the Bush Administration marginalized Hamas over the course of his entire administration, he’s the one responsible for their rise to power. Really?
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Is this fair, Jody?
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