by Javier Manjarres

***Update-The Ron Paulanists have once again tried to skew a poll by bombarding it with votes for their candidate. To be fair, Herman Cain is the clear winner, and we must discount about 600 or so Paul votes, as they came in after 12am-I forgot to close the poll at midnight.By doing this, Paulanistas still do not understand that Ron Paul still cannot win the GOP nomination.
With the Republican Presidential field of candidates leap-frogging over one another and challenging for front runner status, it’s time for another ‘unscientific’ Shark Tank poll to try to gauge what Floridians are thinking about the current field of GOP Presidential candidates. After long time front runner Mitt Romney surrendered the lead to Texas Governor Rick Perry, Perry is sinking in the polls after his lackluster performance at the last debate in Orlando, Florida. Businessman Herman Cain could take over the top spot, as he as walked away the winner of both the CPAC-FL and National Federation of Republican Woman polls conducted over the past couple of weeks.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
So who do you prefer? Take that poll!
[polldaddy poll=5564497]