by Javier Manjarres
President Barack Obama and DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz are out and about reassuring Americans that the economy is recovering and companies are hiring, in spite of all of the economic data that shows otherwise. Regardless of their tone-deafness to the actual state of the economy, one state that is bucking the national unemployment trend is Florida- its unemployment rate has dipped from 11.9% when Governor Scott took over in January 2011 to its current 10.7% rate. It does not strain credulity to claim that Governor Rick Scotts’s 7-7-7 jobs plan and not the President’s failed Stimulus Plan of 2009 had much more of a stimulative effect on job creation. Scott’s approach has lowered the regulatory hurdles for entrepreneurs and created a friendlier economic climate in the state that has influenced both business formation and as well as business migration into Florida- the exact opposite of what the President is doing.
Obama’s “Stimulus Plan” in action:
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