by Lone Shark
Maybe the pressures and competing demands of being both a Congresswoman and the Chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee are too much for Debbie Wasserman-Schultz to handle. Or perhaps Debbie is a just a fully willing participant who is actively collaborating with the Obama Administration’s deceptive and possibly unethical communications strategy. Either way, Debbie now finds herself as the recipient of a new ethics complaint filed against her by the Republican National Lawyers Association with the Office of Congressional Ethics, charging her with a violation of House Rule 5 for “her use for political purposes of video footage of House proceedings.”This carefully orchestrated political campaign is consistent with a disturbing
pattern of President Obama’s misuse of official resources for political purposes.
President Obama recently solicited political contributions from the White House
Map Room in a campaign video. He then traveled a circuit of Midwestern swing
states on a campaign-style bus tour funded by the American taxpayers. Now it
appears he has not only misused the resources of his own office, but he has
engaged Representative Wasserman Schultz in the misuse of coverage of House
proceedings, in direct violation of her ethical duties as a Member of Congress.” – from the RNLA complaint
It’s very likely that Debbie will brush this complaint off as just another opportunistic partisan political attack couched in an ethics complaint, regardless of the merits of the complaint – rules, after all, are only meant to apply to Republicans and are just an afterthought for the Obama Administration. Debbie was recently caught stretching the bounds of House Franking rules in one of her own official congressional mailers, but the contents of the mailing were never challenged or brought before the House Ethics Committee or other commission.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)