West’s Screening of “Sacrificed Survivors” Sends Important Message on 9/11 Anniversary
by Lone Shark
It’s hard to believe we are now upon 10th Anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks, our generation’s day of infamy that changed America forever. Perhaps the commemoration of an event of this magnitude is why ten years seems more like 10 days, and the memorial will no doubt bring back a flood of vivid memories for all of us- not only where we were on that fateful day, but also of the enormity of the human carnage and suffering that we bore witness to.
We must never forget that fateful day, and we must reject any and all efforts that attempt to downplay the graphic nature of this act of war perpetrated against our fellow countryman or that suggest we “overreacted” to the attack and created a “climate of fear” that only served the ends of those who attacked us in the first place.
Ten years removed from this heinous act, we must also assess where we stand as a nation. Will we continue to be shackled by the demands of political correctness that are perfectly exemplified by Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s unconscionable and cowardly decision to exclude firefighters and clergy from the official memorial proceedings- the very people who appeared on the scene and raced into the buildings as the horrific event unfolded? We must reject this paralyzed mindset and stop paying such deference to “hurt feelings” if we’re genuine not only about paying the proper homage and respect that is owed to 9/11 victims and their families, but also if we are serious about confronting the rapidly evolving security threats that are presently targeting the homeland.
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Earlier this week, Congressman Allen West participated in a screening of “Sacrificed Survivors: The Untold Story of the Ground Zero Mega Mosque,” a film produced by Martin Mayer of the Christian Action Network, the event was held in the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington D.C. The video below features Congressman West taking questions in the post-screening presser, and it’s worth your time to watch. “Sacrificed Survivors” is a documentary that chronicles the attempt by Imam Feisul Abdu Rauf, an individual with ties to Islamic terrorism who was behind the push to construct a mosque in the footprint of Ground Zero, and how the family members of 9-11 victims needlessly suffered from the abject insensitivity of those who supported the construction of the ‘Ground Zero’ Mosque.
“If 10 years or nine years after Pearl Harbor, if the country of Japan had come to the United States of America and said, ‘We want to erect a memorial to Japanese naval seamanship at Pearl Harbor,’ what would we have said? Decades from now, centuries from now, we must remember what happened on September 11, 2001.” – Congressman Allen West
Even though the documentary was released last year, the message that West is sending by participating in the screening is clear- sensitivity to and respect for the victims of 9-11 and their families should never be compromised in the name of political correctness.
West’s Screening of “Sacrificed Survivors” Sends Important Message on 9/11 Anniversary
by Lone Shark
It’s hard to believe we are now upon 10th Anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks, our generation’s day of infamy that changed America forever. Perhaps the commemoration of an event of this magnitude is why ten years seems more like 10 days, and the memorial will no doubt bring back a flood of vivid memories for all of us- not only where we were on that fateful day, but also of the enormity of the human carnage and suffering that we bore witness to.We must never forget that fateful day, and we must reject any and all efforts that attempt to downplay the graphic nature of this act of war perpetrated against our fellow countryman or that suggest we “overreacted” to the attack and created a “climate of fear” that only served the ends of those who attacked us in the first place.
Ten years removed from this heinous act, we must also assess where we stand as a nation. Will we continue to be shackled by the demands of political correctness that are perfectly exemplified by Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s unconscionable and cowardly decision to exclude firefighters and clergy from the official memorial proceedings- the very people who appeared on the scene and raced into the buildings as the horrific event unfolded? We must reject this paralyzed mindset and stop paying such deference to “hurt feelings” if we’re genuine not only about paying the proper homage and respect that is owed to 9/11 victims and their families, but also if we are serious about confronting the rapidly evolving security threats that are presently targeting the homeland.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Earlier this week, Congressman Allen West participated in a screening of “Sacrificed Survivors: The Untold Story of the Ground Zero Mega Mosque,” a film produced by Martin Mayer of the Christian Action Network, the event was held in the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington D.C. The video below features Congressman West taking questions in the post-screening presser, and it’s worth your time to watch. “Sacrificed Survivors” is a documentary that chronicles the attempt by Imam Feisul Abdu Rauf, an individual with ties to Islamic terrorism who was behind the push to construct a mosque in the footprint of Ground Zero, and how the family members of 9-11 victims needlessly suffered from the abject insensitivity of those who supported the construction of the ‘Ground Zero’ Mosque.
[vsw id=”t31ZjgXvdk8″ source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]
Even though the documentary was released last year, the message that West is sending by participating in the screening is clear- sensitivity to and respect for the victims of 9-11 and their families should never be compromised in the name of political correctness.