by Javier Manjarres

During his failed 2010 Congressional run,which he lost in the primary, Robert Lowry managed to single handedly embarrass the Republican party both at the state level and federal level. Lowry’s claim to fame was the infamous ‘DWS’ shooting range incident where he and his campaign manager Chris Leggatt scribbled the initials ‘DWS’ on a target, and then proceeded to shoot at it-all while in the presence of the Sun-Sentinel newspaper. Do I need to tell you how stupid of a move that was?
“Lowry said he didn’t know who wrote Wasserman Schultz’ initials on his target, but said he knew they were there before he started shooting. He initially described it as a “joke,” but after answering several questions he said it “was a mistake” to use a target labeled “DWS.”–Sun Sentinel
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Not only did Lowry lie about his knowledge of who wrote the initials on the target, Lowry enlisted a supporter to further his lie and state that he saw ‘some activist’ write the initials. To this date, Lowry has not taken full responsibility for his actions at the shooting range that night.
During his mismanaged and poorly funded campaign, Lowry was able to leave his mark (more like a scar) on Broward politics with his propensity for gaffes and missteps that only the most novice of political operatives could make.
Here are some of his greatest campaign hits:Robert Lowry nets $152 in campaign account after campaigning for more than a year(Chad Lincoln was the campaigns Finance Chairman).
Robert Lowry and his Nursing homes named in a lawsuit.(Still pending)
Robert Lowry lands himself in some hot water with The Heritage Foundation.
Robert Lowry Equates Government and Taxes to Herpes.
Robert Lowry’s campaign hit with numerous FEC notices for failing to file.Is Robert Lowry the choice for Governor Rick Scott to consider for the School Board position, and will his past conduct and ethics the muster that is needed in filling a School Board Commission seat? You be the judge.