by Lone Shark
Take what you will from the latest poll conducted by Magellan Data and Mapping Strategies which surveyed Floridians about their preferences for the Presidential and Senate races. I’ll call it a very promising poll for whomever the Republican Presidential nominee as well as whomever is the Republican Senatorial candidate:Survey of 723 registered voters was conducted August 16-18, 2011. The margin of error is +/- 3.64 percentage points. Party ID breakdown: 42% Democrat; 39% Republican; 19% Independent.
Magellan Strategies (R) Florida 2012 Presidential Survey
- Mitt Romney 49%
- Barack Obama 39%
- Rick Perry 46%
- Barack Obama 39%
- Michele Bachmann 43%
- Barack Obama 42%
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Favorable / Unfavorable {Net}
- Rick Perry 33% / 30% {+3%}
- Mitt Romney 38% / 40% {-2%}
- Michele Bachmann 33% / 43% {-10%}
- Barack Obama 40% / 55% {-15%}
Do you approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing as President?
- Approve 37%
- Disapprove 57%
- Deserves to be re-elected 37%
- Does not deserve to be re?elected 57%
Do you approve or disapprove of the job Bill Nelson is doing as United States Senator?
- Approve 27%
- Disapprove 40%
Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Bill Nelson
- Favorable 27%
- Unfavorable 38%
Do you think that Bill Nelson deserves to be re-elected, or do you think that Bill Nelson does not deserve to be re-elected?
- Deserves to be re-elected 26%
- Does not deserve to be re-elected 39%
- Republican candidate 43%
- Bill Nelson 38%
If the 2012 election for United States Senate was being held today, and all you knew about the two candidates was that one was a Democrat and the other was a Republican, for whom would you vote?
- Republican candidate 42%
- Democrat candidate 36%