by Javier Manjarres
Orlando- At the Florida Family Policy Council’s highly anticipated U.S. Republican Senate forum, Senate candidate and retired Col. Mike McCalister took the time to articulate his Pro-Life position on abortion in attempt to quell concerns about some of his prior statements on abortion which called into question his pro-life credentials. After the forum, McCalister took questions from reporters about his abortion position as well as whether or not he previously testified before Congress, a claim that McCalister has made in the past but which Miami Herald reporter Mark Caputo claims is not the case.
The Herald’s wiley political reporter questioned candidate Colonel Mike McCalister about his record, but McCalister did not appreciate his line of questioning and scurried out of the building. True to form, Marc gave chase with his “Caputo Cam” and in the process earned himself another feature appearance in a “Shark Cam” clip, again. Watch the video below. Also along for the ride was Sarah ‘Rumpfshaker’ Rumpf from Sunshine State Sarah- read her post on the forum here- “The Colonel Has To Use the Restroom”
[vsw id=”oaUDWYrcfk4″ source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]