by Javier Manjarres

Foley also chimed in on the upcoming Republican Presidential primary, stating that incumbents from both parties will be booted out in next year’s election. Foley also said that were he still a member of Congress, he would have voted to raise the debt ceiling.“Foley said Wasserman Schultz has a habit of “sticking her foot in her mouth” which could come back to hurt her.
“She claims Americans don’t support the auto industry because they don’t buy American cars and she has two foreign cars,” he said.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.And her latest claim that Obama is in good shape going into the next election is another example of her saying things that are not backed up by reality. “He dipped below 40 percent approval rating, the worst presidential approval rating in recorded history. If she thinks that’s a benchmark for launch, good luck to her.”
Foley said Wasserman Schultz’s role as chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee involves trying to put West out of a job as a Congressman so he can understand why he got angry with her”. –
Watch the rest of the interview here:
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