by Javier Manjarres

Harrington’s Newsmax interview produce a plethora of off-the-cuff zingers that impressed both the host and several other onlookers, according to a campaign spokesman.
“It’s pretty bad when Americans send certain people to Congress to stand up for the values the American people want,” she said. “We want to hold our government accountable for this debt. We are not addressing those issue. To call us terrorists and hostage takers is absurd.”-Karen Harrington
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
The interview covered all topics within the political realm, including the controversial Israeli border issue in which Wasserman Schultz has recently aligned herself with President Obama in calling for Israel to pull back their borders to where they had them in 1967.
Read more on Harrington: Wasserman Schultz Anti-GOP Charges ‘Absurd’“Debbie stands with the president lock step with every decision that he makes both economically and with Israel. … We’re certain as we have more time on our hands to get out there and people meet and listen to my strong fiscal conservative message that they’ll be on board and they’ll be looking for the right change this time.”
In addition to the flurry of media hits, Harrington continues to aggressively take her ‘Fire Debbie’ campaign on the road against Democrat Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz with a swing through the Ocala and Orlando areas. Harrington has been able to garner key endorsements form key Conservative state Legislators Dennis Baxley and Scott Plakon. Baxley held a fundraising event for Harrington in Ocala, and both Representative Plakon and Chris Dorworth will be be hosting a similar event in Orlando today. Dorworth is planning another fundraising event later next month and has stated , “I’m in, I want to help her win.”
Harrington is receiving widespread support with her recent launch of the website