by Javier Manjarres
Only four weeks removed from Prostate cancer surgery, former Congressman Mark Foley continues to stay remarkably active in Palm Beach with his real estate ventures, and the sabbatical from his radio show will end next month as he goes back on the air.Foley is still ‘the man behind the curtain’ in certain political circles, and even though he is removed from public service and mainly focused on making a buck, he still is active in the “political arena” and enjoys pulling the strings from beyond his curtain.
I caught up with Foley at a Starbuck’s in West Palm Beach where we chatted about everything- his surgery and of course politics. Mark seemed very relaxed and in good spirits considering he had just undergone an invasive surgical procedure. Foley says that he is “thankful to be healthy and capable” and that his recovery is “progressing ahead of schedule.”
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Prior to our sit down several months back, Foley attended a Tea Party event in Boca Raton that featured Congressman Allen West and bilionaire businessman Donald Trump. At the event, Foley was swarmed by several political operatives and supporters who urged him to get back in the game.