by Javier Manjarres
Governor Rick Scott’s approval ratings have been in the proverbial tank of late- that’s why his recent 6 point upswing is good news for the Guv but is being laughed at by Democrats because the uptick comes during Governor Scott’s vacation. Scott now has a 35% approval rating among Floridians, but what’s interesting is that President Barack Obama’s Florida numbers are headed in the opposite direction. Democrats have been positively giddy about Scott’s approval numbers of late, why haven’t the been as giddy about their own President’s numbers?Governor Scott received a barrage of negative press for his controversial programs and “drastic” budget cuts that have many Floridians up in arms- most of the detractors are the usual suspects- union members such as Teacher’s union and law enforcement unions.
But as always, these unions shamelessly disseminate misinformation about the cuts or ‘reinvestment’ in personal retirement to their members simply to divide the ranks, raise member dues, and raise political dollars and clout for their preferred candidates.
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But the problem for Democrats is that they are completely vested into President Obama’s failed policies and poised to go down with their captain an his sinking ship. Since taking office going on 3 years now, President Obama has driven the U.S. economy further into unprecedented levels of debt- the most proximate reason why the nation’s credit rating was downgraded.
Coupled with President Obama’s submissive foreign policy, his controversial stance on Israel, his non-existent illegal immigration enforcement policy, failed stimulus package, and healthcare mandate (Obamacare), it is likely we are looking at a one term President.
At this stage in the game, with three years left in his term and the state’s unemployment numbers in decline, the safe money is on Scott as to whose electoral prospects have a better shot at re-election.