by Javier Manjarres

What is so blatantly obvious about this organization’s tactics is the fact that any hispanic politician who does not tow their amnesty line immediately is singled out as a traitor. Somos Republicans’ own publication – for anyone that actually reads it- only deals with one issue, and that is immigration “reform”, and no other issues matter to this group- regardless if you’re pro-life, support low taxes, limited government, or the 2nd amendment- issues that the group identifies as its “core principles” don’t matter at all if you oppose their amnesty position- hypocrisy at it’s finest. (Somos Republicans-About us)
Upon inspecting their website, in the top right corner you will also notice a sponsorship for the left-leaning voter registration movement Rock the Vote. Here is what Rock the Vote is posting on their website:
‘Somos Republicans’ is almost certainly a Democrat front group whose purpose is to deceive Hispanics and other voters into believing that they espouse conservative principles and positions on issues except that of the actual conservative stance on illegal immigration. It’s likely that none of this organization’s members actually holds any conservative positions on issues and exists as an issue-specific advocacy group that is solely concerned with shaming politicians who oppose the group’s pro-amnesty/open borders position. How long will it be before the Democrat Party and/or Soros takes responsibility for this group? We shall see soon enough.take our poll - story continues belowDo you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“YOU ARE GETTING SCREWED. There is a war on voting going on and your rights are under attack. Politicians are trying to block young people from voting with shady new photo ID and residency laws. They are getting rid of things that make it easier for people to vote, like Election Day registration, early voting and pre-registration laws.
IT IS TIME TO STOP THE BULLS**T. In America, we rock the vote, we don’t block the vote. Join our campaign. We’ll send you updates and get you plugged into the action in your state.” –Rock the Vote