by Javier Manjarres

Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
The embattled Broward Republican Executive Committee(BREC)continues to raise questions as to whether or not the existing leadership is capable of demonstrating any semblance of principled leadership.
At the monthly Broward Republican Jewish Outreach meeting , Charlie Crist Republicans BREC Vice Chairwoman Colleen Stolberg, and Treasurer Mark McCarthy, had me, El Sharko removed from the proceedings simply because I was there trying to report on what the invited guest speakers had to say about ‘Jewish Outreach’. The Republican Jewish outreach is organized by Julie Gerber, who herself has proven to be controversial due to statements made several months ago.
“She said she couldn’t say if she’d support or oppose the re-election of U.S. Rep. Ted Deutch, D-Boca Raton, a strong supporter if Israel who represents northwestern Broward. “I don’t know who I would support. It depends on who runs against him.”-Julie Gerber
Without any authority to do so, Stolberg and McCarthy called the Broward Sheriff’s Office to have me escorted off the premises. As many can remember back in January, Chairman Richard DeNapoli banned videotaping of BREC meetings. Apparently Stolberg and McCarthy were not paying attention, or did not get the memo that videotaping was only banned at the meetings, not anywhere else.
In the video, notice when McCarthy threatens me for videotaping by saying ,“tape at your own risk buddy.” The background on McCarthy is that he was responsible for ‘cleaning up’ the missing $4000 donation that then Treasurer and now Chairman Richard DeNapoli misreported when reporting Committee financials to the Broward Supervisor of Elections. But who really is Mark McCarthy? Is this the same McCarthy who was ex-law enforcement officer in Louisville, Kentucky , but under different name?
At one point in the video, when I asked who had authorized the banning of videotaping at this particular meeting, Stolberg stated that, “we went to the RPOF”. Stolberg may have caught herself from perhaps telling a lie that the videotape ban was sanctioned by the state Republican party. During last year’s BREC Chairman’s election, Stolberg stated that she would not support any other candidate for Chairman position other than Richard DeNapoli, as the two ran on the same ticket.
Most disturbing about the encounter came towards the end of the meeting when one of the attendees assaulted your humble reporter by shoving me into the wall. During the exchange with Stolberg, the camera pans to the left of the room and captures two men sitting side-by-side gesturing in what seems to be a threat, while the other classless clown, who happens to be BREC committeeman Jay Seigel sticks out his middle finger.Notice how comfortable the old man with the white hair and wearing the blue shirt is. Towards the end of the video, this guy inexplicably gets up and moves over to where I was standing and proceeds to shove me into the wall.
No less than 10 witnessed what he did, and now the Broward Sheriff’s office has opened an assault investigation against this fool.
This is unfortunate lack of leadership is just another stone that paves the BREC’s road to irrelevance.
[vsw id=”1fNtByJUrpg” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]